freelance game designer, writer, creative consultant

(small) games looking for publishers

Pocket Rockets, Dojo, Ali : those 3 games are available for publishing ! Their previous publishers gave me back all the rights. So if you are a interested, send me an message.


Pocket Rockets has been published by Hazgaard Editions in two different editions (two different artists). About 10 000 copies were sold, mostly in France.

Hazgaard doesn’t existe anymore, so I get back all the rights for this game.

Here are the game specifications :


You can read the rules here : Pocket Rockets English Rules


Dojo has been published by Hazgaard Editions just before the company shutdown. Only 3000 copies were printed, mostly for France.

Here are the game specifications :


You can find a rules summary here : English Rules Summary


Ali, co-designed by Corentin Lebrat has been published by Libellud in 2012. 2000 copies were sold, mostly in France.

Here are the game specifications :


You can find the rules here (french) : French Rules

posted by toinito in Jeu de société and have Comments (2)
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